This is where we begin and end ...
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Fire and Gold
Radio City
I kept looking at the altitude reading: over 800 feet. That had to be the very top of the tower. The old observation deck. But it had been closed for 20 years.
40°45'33.00"N, 73°58'45.60"W
Diamond Pillar
... At 47th Street, at the entrance to the Diamond District, there are two light towers in the form of stylised octagonal diamonds. Horace asked me if I wanted to climb one. I didn't find it funny.
The Twins
In the Periodical Room
Signal Tower Detail
Traffic Signal Tower - 42nd and 5th

Tuesday, August 31, 2004
At the Mossman Lock Collection

Tower of Light
On either side of the tunnel entrance rose Art Deco towers like stylised radio masts, surmounted by powerful searchlights...
...They reminded me of Flash Gordon-era ray-guns. A spiral staircase ran up their core.
Room 315
We walked through to the main reading room of the New York Public Library. Under luminescent trompe-l’oeil ceiling paintings of open skies, ranks upon ranks of readers sat in hushed concentration at oak tables
40°45'11.59"N, 73°58'54.06"W
Image Of Fire
... He pointed left to right. “The elements. Earth. Water. Fire, which is what she holds in her hand. Then Air. Then Ether.”
Hermes at Grand Central Terminal
"We’ll see the same thing at Grand Central. Hermes everywhere, and sculpted wheels set with his wings," Horace said. "It’s about speed, you see. The fleet-footed messenger. But what message does he bear?"
Monday, August 30, 2004
What The Fifth Cache Said To Me
College Grounds
Along Love Lane
The Water Door

“What is this?”
The Second Obelisk
... “You were a busy man,” I whispered to myself. “They must really love you in Mexico.”
The Star of Eternal Light
The Stepping Stones
Atop the RCA Building
My Place of Work
We met in a conference room near the top of 570 Lex, several floors away from the sensitive eyes and ears of the newsroom, at nine o’clock sharp...
What The Fourth Cache Said To Me
I am being torn apart, yet I am growing more alive.
I am beginning to hear and see things I would never have believed were possible.
Since these events began, I have lost my job, and been humiliatingly expelled from among my people. Tomorrow I will reckon with them.
I have been attacked and beaten, and left vomiting in the subway.
I have been almost drowned.
I have been almost blown apart in a gas explosion.
I have had the breath crushed out of my lungs.
I have willingly broken my marriage vows, and lost the ring that symbolizes them. I have insulted my wife.
I have experienced a new autonomy, a new self-respect, then hurt my most beloved one in order to retain it. I have indulged my anger and desire for revenge, and I have dressed it up as honesty.
Yet in facing death, in the play of lust in my flesh, I have found strength I never knew I had. I have turned basic urges – kill it, fuck it -- into spiritual weapons, those of earth and water.
In rejecting blackmail, in asserting my utter freedom, I have added the power of fire to those weapons.
In diving into the crowd to rescue that boy, when self-preservation would have had me stay sheltering and cowering where I was, I have, I believe, added the power of air. It is what I used, without knowing how, to calm the crowd.
I am growing stronger as I advance along the Path, though all this strength is only lent to me, is not my own, is not for my vanity or advancement.
It is for Adam, to help him to resist the corrosion of the parasites within him.
It is for Katherine, to help her on the lonely road I have driven her to. If her being with Adam will help him survive these ordeals, then so be it. But I will have her back.
It is for Terri, to help her overcome the hidden new fear I see in her.
It is for Horace, to guide and instruct me as he may need.
Other people are not hell. They are salvation.
There is a shape in my mind that defies words, just as the peregrination I have been on across Manhattan – the shape I have drawn on the city, the experiences at each waypoint – are drawing a shape in my soul.
I am seeing connections where none were apparent, lines and images of new harmonies.. The capacity to speak the language of the birds is awakening within me.
All this, to defeat those who have caused these ordeals to come to us.
I pray for my enemy, since praying for my friends is no virtue.
I forgive myself, for everything I have done has been necessary. I ask the forgiveness of others.
I am ready. I am alive. I will fight.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
At The Tick Tock, Again
Bricks of Light
Burning Snake

Time Flies, Again
Look Down at your Feet
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Chess Table at Washington Square Park
“Tables for chess and checkers only. No loitering,” a sign said. “Two hour limit per table. Free for public use. No gambling or fees.”
The Hangmen's Elm
Triangle Fire

40°43'47.32"N, 73°59'43.34"W
The Bell of Doom
The bolts meant something to me too. Indefinable images rushed at me. I placed my hands on the bell, closing my eyes, hearing again the chanting in my dream. Fat Mary Fat Mary Fat Mary …
Emmet's Vault
The Hare Krishna Tree
Chess Table at Tompkins Square Park
“Don’t turn round, Robert,” a man’s voice said. “It’s time for us to talk.”
“Just don’t turn round.”
“What the hell?”